As often as we all need a practical and large enough handbag, there are times that we crave for the mini ones just as much. It might be micro in size, but with the right choice, the impact can be grand. Set to be one of the hottest trend this season, micro handbag is highly recommend to be on every IT ladies shelves. Today we will help you to choose one with the very characteristic handbags designer Strathberry.
Strathberry has been a fast rising brand since their very launch in 2013. Famous and recognisable for their clean shapes and signature bar closure design this brand is a real eyes catcher. All items are handcrafted out of the finest leather in Spain by skillful artisans.
One of the best feature handbags brand can be to offer is a possibility to choose different sizes of the same handbag. With Strathberry you can experience the luxury of wearing the same stylish handbag in 3 different sizes and today we are all about their micro ones.
Here is how we style a micro Tote from Strathberry’s limited edition for a fancy blue lunch in Santorini, where only a lipstick a phone and a card is required. Tonal dressing with the surrounding is a must thus we picked a crisp cotton wrap around dress, black strap heels and a micro Strtahtberry tote in blue chevron print to make a contrast.
Shop your Strathberry on
Styled and edited by Simone Stabinskaite
Photography Gus Snarskis
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