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18 Jul

Bespoke Bikinis | Kini Swimwear

Ever dreamt of designing your own swimwear of your confidential demanding needs? It is now possible with Kini Swiwear that specialises in bespoke bikinis for every woman. Imagine saving trying on time and energy – you can now browse Kini Swimwear website, select your size, shape, colour and even detailing. This exquisite brand over a lot of prints to choose from which works almost like a bit of creative therapy! The brands philosophy is to offer swimwear for women of all shapes and sizes that satisfy with their amazing fittings and functionality. We went ahead for an ultimate summer stripes in white and blue and thought that underwire top and a skin bottoms should go perfectly with it for an Italian or any getaway by the Mediterranean Sea! Feeling hooked? Treat yourself with a bikini of your dreams and design one yourself on

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